About Me

Founder to closer to sales leader

[My weird origin story]

I grew up in California as a lower class kid with a drug addicted mom and alcoholic dad. We were homeless for a while but it gave me the drive to do better.

Fast forward and I was the first in my family to go to college, and then graduate.

Decided I wanted to go to law school (I would have made a TERRIBLE lawyer btw), but couldn’t afford it so joined the U.S. Army.

I served 4 years on active with the 101st Airborne Division (you’ll recognize the Eagle patches on their arm next time you watch a war movie ;) as an Intelligence Analyst.

After I transitioned out I got a ‘real job’ working in tech. I hated it. I was making more than anyone from my background could have imagined and I still wasn’t happy. I started to think working for someone else wasn’t really for me.

So I quit and started a company. It was a high ticket offer helping early stage startups build an app and raise funding.

It sucked for 7 years.

We had a good offer, good marketing, good messaging.

But I was missing a key piece.

I sucked at sales.

So I invested almost 5 figures into high ticket sales training.

Within 3 months we went from $30K/mo to $250K/mo.

Then we got to almost half a million/month, I hired a team of sales reps, had fulfillment crushing it with a 4.6 rating on Trustpilot. Things were good for a few years.

But then the financial crash happened.

Startup funding markets tightened up and we were forced to shut the doors. 10 years of hard work down the drain, 10 years of forgoing friendships, relationships, and my health in the hopes one day it’ll be worth it. But it happened all the same.

Luckily I mastered one of the most important skills of the 21st century…

As I mastered sales, I fell in love with it.

So after I shut my company down, I dived into the world of sales.

I was the top of the sales leaderboard at a $30M company, was then moved to lead.

Then became a fractional sales manager and private coach to reps, which is part of what I still do today.

Along the way though, I realized something.

That sales is the best, most meritocratic vehicle for freedom.

  • It doesn’t require a degree

  • It doesn’t require you to be an “insider”

  • It doesn’t require large startup costs like starting a business

  • Earning 5 figure months isn’t “luck”, it’s pure skill

If I was able to start over…

I would live life in reverse.

Instead of college to job to business owner to sales to freedom…

I would instead go straight to sales, build up my net worth and skills so I can go on and do whatever I want, whether that’s start a business, invest in passive cash flowing assets, and build a lifestyle I love.

Luckily, I’ve been able to start doing a lot of that (still working on it).

But my goal is to help you get it right the first (or maybe for some of you, the second or third) time.

Because sales can be, and is for some, an incredible vehicle for wealth building and lifestyle design.

I’m just here to show you how to drive the car.

How I can help

For Closers.

Do you want to close more, work less, and enjoy life?

For Founders.

Do you want a more efficient & productive sales team?